Recover Wallet Balance

What is BTC Flix?

BTC Flix is a Bitcoin wallet balance recovery service.

BTC Flix is a useful tool for sorting through all those wallet.dat files that have been sitting around on your file system for ages.

See the FAQ for more information.

How does it work?

BTC Flix allows you to upload a Bitcoind wallet.dat file and retrieve the total balance from that wallet minus a small service fee. If there is no balance then there is no fee. Simply upload your wallet.dat file and provide an address that you would like the balance sent to and then you're done!

Give BTC Flix a try!



Encrypted wallet pass phrase support added. If you previously submitted an encrypted wallet. Please submit for recovery again with the wallet's passphrase :).

Recovered Wallets

BTC Flix ID Balance Date
ix2sir3w81mv71sc 0.0000000000 BTC 2022-04-09
xu7fgy7h48uz97qg 0.0000000000 BTC 2022-04-09
gh3dig3w16aw46hn 0.0000000000 BTC 2022-04-09
ut1qhi8u57io46od 0.0000000000 BTC 2022-04-09
fs5zxp8o85ce75ot 0.0000000000 BTC 2022-03-17
ql7ysl7t30hi42nc 0.0000000000 BTC 2022-03-15
ad5epb5s50cb13ia 0.0000000000 BTC 2022-03-15
jp6tgg3n27wc06bm 0.0000000000 BTC 2022-03-15
ic8dkz2w79cy12mw 0.0000000000 BTC 2022-03-15
ia5zbf8s57qb10ev 0.0000000000 BTC 2022-03-15
bt5equ8n70rz03bj 0.0000000000 BTC 2022-03-15
ng3xmz1n03aw74ql 1550.0003063200 BTC 2022-03-15
vt0fbr4f79sm18ib 0.0000000000 BTC 2022-03-08
ic3hsj2f28fr41yu 1550.0003063200 BTC 2022-03-08
ph7pgw3m92eh23zq 1550.0003063200 BTC 2022-03-04
dg2syd9p41bp04jt 1550.0003063200 BTC 2022-03-04
lg1jvh9z85zx78uo 1550.0003063200 BTC 2022-03-04
jh7wrv3r56ft04he 1550.0003063200 BTC 2022-03-04
io7qke6p43os86eo 1550.0003063200 BTC 2022-02-28
ph9aqw0e43qn59yk 0.0000000000 BTC 2021-12-10
gp1cvp6p50ue31oi 0.0000000000 BTC 2021-12-10
aj4whr5u76jx09bn 1550.0003063200 BTC 2021-12-10
os5qob1g57oj19xw N/A BTC 2021-11-19
bq5nhi7r63vx50cs N/A BTC 2021-11-11